Helsinki, Finland cruise holidays

Surrounded by the sea and its own archipelago, Helsinki, the Finnish capital, retains its nautical feel with many sailing events during the summer. Exploring the fascinating sights of Helsinki, cruise guests will discover the city is also the country's main cultural focus, offering dance, ballet, opera, and other festivals. The striking onion-shaped cupolas of the Uspensky Cathedral (modelled on the one in Odessa) are just one example of the Soviet influence on a country which achieved independence less than 100 years ago. Highlights of cruises to Helsinki also include some of the traditional Finnish building in the Senate Square and the North Harbour. Helsinki is a compact city - 'a pocket-sized metropolis', as it was once described - so it is easy to get around, especially in the historical centre. Or you can take the touring 'pub tram' and drink in the views, including the colourful flower market near the harbourfront. After months of dark, cold winter, it is hardly surprising that the Finns pull out all the stops to celebrate the genuine warmth of their summers with outdoor events all around the city such as the Coming of Spring, Midsummer, the Helsinki Festival, and the Annual Night of the Arts.
Frequently asked questions about Helsinki, Finland
JAN | -5.5°C |
FEB | -5.8°C |
MAR | -2.3°C |
APR | 3.3°C |
MAY | 9.7°C |
JUN | 14.7°C |
JUL | 17.0°C |
AUG | 15.8°C |
SEP | 10.7°C |
OCT | 5.9°C |
NOV | 0.9°C |
DEC | -3.1°C |
The official language spoken in Helsinki is Finnish
The currency in Helsinki is the Euro (EUR)
1.5ltr bottle of water = 1.60 € (approx. £1.35)
Coffee (from a restaurant) = 4.00 € (approx. £3.40)
0.5ltr Domestic Beer from Draught = 6.50 € (approx. £5.50)
Three course meal for 2 people in a mid-range restaurant = 80.00 € (approx. £65.75)
Tipping is not obligatory in Finland as service charge is added to the bill.
Good morning - Hyvää huomenta "Hu-vaa hoo-oh-mehn-tah"
Good afternoon - Hyvää päivää "Huu-vaa pay-vaa"
Good night - Hyvää yötä "Huu-vaa uu-eu-ta"
Hello - Hei "Hay"
Where is - Missä on "Mees-sa ohn"
Please - Voisitko "Voisit-ko"
Thank you - Kiitos "Kee-toss"
Excuse me - Anteeksi "Ahn-tehk-see"
I dont understand - En ymmärrä "En uum-mar-ra"
Helsinki's café scene takes its inspiration from traditional European bistros and minimalist Scandi coffee shops.
Helsinki is home to a multicultural smorgasbord of cuisines covering every continent and every palate imaginable.
Historic buildings, stylish breweries, and some seriously wacky decors show just how diverse Helsinki's bar scene can be.
Boutique designers meet vintage retailers in Helsinki, championing sustainable fashion and handcrafted designware.
Helsinki's location between Eastern and Western spheres of influence makes for an intriguing cultural offering.
Helsinki is filled with beautiful open spaces to explore, as well as fascinating monuments and historic sites.