I left an item on board; how do I reclaim it?

With thousands of guests travelling with us on board every sailing it is understandable that at times items may be misplaced and left behind. If you have lost an item on board one of our ships, rest assured we will do all we can to help reunite you with your belongings.

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Last updated: 03/02/2025

We want the process to be quick, helpful, and effortless so we have partnered with Complete Lost Property Service (CLPS) who, through the notlost platform offer a complete lost property management solution to support the end-to-end journey of lost property handling from collecting, storing and reuniting lost items with their owner.

What items can be reclaimed?

Due to the storage, safety and hygienic reasons, we are not able to retain all lost items and only the following items will be returned: 

  • Jewellery, binoculars or watches
  • Electrical items (including tablets, e-readers, computers, laptops with/without chargers, cameras, camcorders, mobile phones, chargers found with an electrical item
  • Handbags (non-hold luggage), clutch bags, purses and wallets (found in stateroom with an identifiable item within)

Non-Returnable Items:

These include:

  • Clothing/ shoes (including swimwear/ underwear) *If clothing is found in a suit carrier/ case with luggage labels we will follow our standard baggage handling process and return to its owner
  • Medical items such as medication
  • Cosmetic items and toiletries 
  • Items that have been in close body contact (hearing aids/ dental items including electric toothbrushes)
  • Duty free items
  • Passports (as these need to be handled as per immigration and border force rules)
  • Consumables of any kind
  • Loose Debit/ Credit cards, (these are securely destroyed at the end of the cruise if not reclaimed) *Those located inside a bag/ purse/ wallet will be returned as any items inside the bag are left. 
  • Cigarettes, food, highly flammable substances


If your lost item(s) relate to one of the above non-returnable items, this would be disposed of onboard.

How do I submit a claim for a lost item?

If your lost item is not on the above non-returnable list, you can submit a lost item claim by submitting a claim form through the Not Lost platform. Please visit Not Lost to complete this.

What happens after I submit a claim?

If your item(s) have been located and are in the returnable items list, it will appear after your search, and you can validate and claim your item and arrange postage.  

If the item isn’t located on the system straight away (but is on the returnable items list) after your search, then you will need to register the item as missing, this will then be recorded on our system of record where frequent searches take place against new items uploaded daily.  

You will then be contacted if there is a match, and we believe your property has been received to inform you of the next steps.  

How long will it take to hear back about my item(s)?

It is important to note that lost/ left items are often found on disembarkation day as our ships are being prepared for their next cruise, this will result in items being stored on board for the next sailing before being offloaded to start the lost property handling process. We would therefore kindly ask for your patience as depending on the cruise duration it could take a little time before we are able to locate and match your item. You can however submit a claim form through the link to start the process. 

We would ask you to allow at least 21 days** from submitting an enquiry before chasing a lost item as this allows the ships to complete their itinerary, offload the item(s) and for it to be received by Complete Lost Property Service (CLPS)

** The above time frame can be longer during times such as our ‘fly cruise season’ and when the ships are on World cruises as lost property will remain on board until we can get it returned to the UK.

What happens to unclaimed items?

We hold items for 90 days from receipt to ensure we allow enough time for our guests to contact us and offer every opportunity to return these to our guests. 

After this time frame we reserve the right to dispose of, or donate the items.  Any unclaimed items after 3 months will be ethically and sustainably resold, repurposed or donated. 

We remove and securely destroy any personal data as part of the end-of-life recycling process using WEEE approved ‘wiping’ process for all Electronics/data storage. 

Who are our partners?

Complete Lost Property Service (CLPS) is a company offering a smart approach to lost property management, ensuring items can be returned to their rightful owners and handling the end-to end life cycle of lost and found items. Ensuring items are handled in a safe, ethical, and sustainable way. 

Why have we partnered with them?

With thousands of guests travelling with us on each sailing we receive a high number of enquiries relating to lost items.  

Complete Lost Property Service (CLPS) offer a more automated and streamlined process ensuring these requests can be handled more efficiently and items are returned to our guests in a timely manner. 

What if I have privacy concerns about Complete Lost Property Service (CLPS)?

Complete Lost Property Service will only process the information you provide as part of your lost enquiry for the purpose of locating your item and communicating to ensure it is returned back to you. 

Complete Lost Property Service (CLPS) is governed by Zero Burden Services (ZBS) Privacy Policy, Terms of Service. For information regarding Complete Lost Property Service use and processing of your information, please visit https://completelostpropertyservice.com/privacy-policy/

Still need help?

Still have questions? Our friendly Customer Contact Centre is always happy to help! Contact us today on 0344 338 8003.

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