Ajaccio, France cruise holidays

Spend some time relaxing and soaking up the Corsican sunshine or venture out on a day of immersing yourself in the glories of Ajaccio. Your time is precious, and we know you want to make the most of it. Pack your bags and combine culture and exploration with comfort and relaxation on a Ajaccio cruise holiday.
Napoleon was born here and, if you did not know that before, it would only take a few minutes after cruising into Ajaccio to cotton on as 'Boneys' name and likeness is everywhere. The main shopping street is called Cours Napoleon and the wide tree-lined boulevards, parks and large squares in this newer part of town feature many statues of the great man, notably in the main square (ironically called General de Gaulle). The Old Town between the port and the imposing citadel on the cliff above boasts Napoleons House and the cathedral where he was baptised. The main marketplace is right by the port and here you'll find lots of local craft goods and endless Napoleonic souvenirs. Nestling in the Bay of Ajaccio, halfway down the islands west coast, Ajaccio cruise port is an excellent base from which to explore Corsica and discover why it is called the 'Scented Isle' (because of the sweet aromas from the mountainside maquis vegetation).
Frequently asked questions about Ajaccio, France
JAN | 8.7°C |
FEB | 9.1°C |
MAR | 10.6°C |
APR | 12.9°C |
MAY | 16.4°C |
JUN | 20.0°C |
JUL | 22.6°C |
AUG | 22.7°C |
SEP | 20.3°C |
OCT | 16.7°C |
NOV | 12.8°C |
DEC | 9.8°C |
The official language spoken in Ajaccio is French
The currency in Ajaccio is the Euro (EUR)
1.5ltr bottle of water = 1.00€ (approx. £0.85)
Coffee (from a restaurant) = 2.25€ (approx. £1.90)
0.5ltr Domestic Beer from Draught = 6.00€ (approx. £5.00)
Three course meal for 2 people in a mid-range restaurant = 47.50€ (approx. £39.60)
Round up to the nearest whole figure on the total bill.
Good morning - Bonjour ״Bohn-zhoor״
Good afternoon - Au revoir "Ohr-vwahr"
Good night - Bonne nuit ״Bawn-nwee״
Hello - Bonjour ״Bohn-zhoor״
Where is - Où est…? ״Oo eh״
Please - S'il vous plaît ״Seel voo-pleh״
Thank you - Merci ״Merr-see״
Excuse me - Pardon ״Pahr-dohn״
I dont understand - Je ne comprends pas ״Zhuh nuh kohm-pran pah״
A number of great places to get a coffee are located around Ajaccio's historic centre and its splendid seafront promenade.
Sample some local Corsican food at one of several quaint, authentic restaurants dotted around the city.
Enjoy a drink while watching the tides at one of Ajaccio's sea-view bars, or try out some local wine.
Ajaccio has everything from a large, modern shopping centre to small boutiques selling local specialities and jewellery.
A beautiful cathedral and the second largest collection of Italian paintings outside the Louvre are among Ajaccio's sights.
Ajaccio is surrounded by beaches with crystal-clear blue water and rugged mountains that make for fantastic hiking.
JAN | 14.2°C |
FEB | 13.5°C |
MAR | 13.7°C |
APR | 15.1°C |
MAY | 17.9°C |
JUN | 21.5°C |
JUL | 24.5°C |
AUG | 25.2°C |
SEP | 23.7°C |
OCT | 21.3°C |
NOV | 18.5°C |
DEC | 15.7°C |