Andalsnes, Norway cruise holidays

People have been cruising to Andalsnes for more than 120 years because of its stunning location. For, an Alpine town as well as a cruise port, Andalsnes nestles where the towering Romsdal Alps meet the northern end of the sparkling Romsdalfjord.
A small, friendly town with shops and markets, Andalsnes is also close to the famous Trollstigen road. This leads through pretty villages, past scenic fjords and majestic mountain peaks and across the stone bridge over the cascading Stigfossen waterfall to the Trollvegen (Troll Wall) which - at nearly 6,000 feet - is the highest vertical drop in northern Europe.
Another way to see the Troll Wall and even more dramatic Alpine scenery besides is to take the Rauma Railway steam train which leaves from a station right by the cruise port.
Please note snow based shore excursions are not available on autumn cruises.
Frequently asked questions about Åndalsnes, Norway
JAN | -0.4°C |
FEB | -0.3°C |
MAR | 1.9°C |
APR | 4.8°C |
MAY | 9.0°C |
JUN | 12.0°C |
JUL | 13.8°C |
AUG | 13.7°C |
SEP | 10.7°C |
OCT | 6.9°C |
NOV | 2.6°C |
DEC | 0.3°C |
The official language spoken in Åndalsnes is Norwegian
The currency in Åndalsnes is the Norwegian krone (NOK)
Tipping is not required or expected in Norway and is entirely voluntary and up to the individual. That being said, some prefer to round up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK.
Good morning - God morgen "Goo moh-ohrn"
Good afternoon - God ettermiddag "Gooh eh-ter-mee-dahg"
Good night - God natt "Gooh naht"
Hello - Hallo "Hallo"
Where is - Hvor er…? "Woor err"
Please - Vær så snill "Var-saw snill"
Thank you - Takk "Tahk"
Excuse me - Unnskyld meg "Unn-shill mei"
I dont understand - Jeg forstår ikke "Yay for-storh ee-keh"
Andalsnes' cafés combine warm, inviting interiors with sweeping mountain views and tempting pastries.
Enjoy hearty grilled dishes, upscale farmhouse dining and aromatic Thai cuisine in this food-loving Norwegian town.
Enjoy a drink in one of Andalsnes' many stylish modern cocktail lounges, traditional pubs and opulent hotel bars.
Browse distinctive modern knitwear boutiques, or shop for keepsakes in the shadow of the mighty Trollveggen.
Offering epic history and a rich theatrical heritage, humble Nordfjordeid holds the cultural clout of a town twice its size.
Norway's mountaineering capital is surrounded by some of the country's highest peaks and best walking trails.