Bar Harbor, United States cruise holidays

One of the most popular New England cruise ports, Bar Harbor has something of the look of Old England about it with visions of Cornwall evoked by the rugged coastal walk below its craggy, granite cliffs. But Main Street is classic small town America, full of stores where staff know all the locals by their first-name and bars which are packed with huntin', shootin' and fishin' trophies. The cruise dock is right in the centre of the town, too, so take a stroll and maybe try one of the locally-caught Maine lobsters which are on every restaurant menu - then learn more about your meal at the Maine Lobster Museum and Hatchery. Bar Harbor is on an island (Mount Desert) connected by bridge to the mainland and in the middle of the Acadia National Park - an intoxicating mix of lakes, forests and mountains. Look out for towering Cadillac Mountain and Thunder Hole where the ocean thunders against the cliffs.

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