Cagliari, Italy cruise holidays

Visually stunning, Sardinia's capital and main Cagliari cruise port can trace its history back thousands of years to Roman times and features many museums, historic churches and ancient artefacts. Most of the city's impressive attractions can be seen just by walking through the walled Castello area with its winding alleyways and open piazzas. Yellow, ochre and terracotta buildings abound, and there are plenty of great seafood restaurants or the square at Corso Vittorio Emanuele II for lively bars and ice-cream shops.
Do not miss the 2nd Century Roman amphitheatre and the colourful botanical gardens featuring 500 different plants. There is a lively covered market every weekday and Saturdays just north of the Castello and you will be spoilt for choice with restaurants in the marina area, with fish and seafood a speciality. There are numerous bars, pizzerias, and ice cream stalls along the seafront. While, for pure relaxation, search out the superb sandy beaches in Poetto, just 15 minutes from the city.
Sardinia’s finest archaeological museum has exhibits dating back thousands of years, including the Sardinian ‘stone army’ (500 years older than China’s Terracotta Army). Sunbathers should head for nearby Poetto beach, while nature-lovers will flock to Molentargius regional park. The shallow lagoon – part of the former National Salt Works – is a stop-off point for thousands of migratory and local birds, including the island’s famous pink flamingos. At peak times it is said that up to 40,000 flamingos will be in residence.
Frequently asked questions about Cagliari, Sardinia
JAN | 9.8°C |
FEB | 9.9°C |
MAR | 11.4°C |
APR | 13.4°C |
MAY | 17.1°C |
JUN | 21.2°C |
JUL | 23.9°C |
AUG | 24.2°C |
SEP | 21.6°C |
OCT | 17.9°C |
NOV | 13.7°C |
DEC | 10.9°C |
The official language spoken in Cagliari is Italian
The currency in Cagliari is the Euro (EUR)
1.5ltr bottle of water = 0.40 € (approx. £0.35)
Coffee (from a restaurant) = 1.35 € (approx. £1.15)
0.5ltr Domestic Beer from Draught = 5.00 € (approx. £4.25)
Three course meal for 2 people in a mid-range restaurant = 50.00 € (approx. £42.30)
Usually included in the bill. If not, you can round up to the nearest Euro or leave 10%. Tips are preferably given in cash.
Good morning - Buon giorno "Bwohn johr-noh"
Good afternoon - Buon pomeriggio - "Bwohn poh-meh-ree-joh"
Good night - Buona notte "Bwoh-nah-noht-teh"
Hello - Ciao "Chow"
Where is - Dov'è è...? "Doh-veh-eh"
Please - Per favore "Pehr fah-voh-reh"
Thank you - Grazie "Grah-tsyeh"
Excuse me - Scusa "Skoo-saah"
I dont understand - Non capisco "Nohn kah-pees-koh"
Cagliari has an established café culture so you're never far from a freshly baked pastry and steaming hot espresso here.
Enjoy Cagliari's traditional Sardinian cuisine as well as the restaurants that are giving old favourites a fresh twist.
Partake in the Italian tradition of Aperitivo or enjoy delicious cocktails and craft-brewed beers.
Whether you want the energy of the joyous, chaotic market, or the expertise of specialist artisan shops, Cagliari has it all.
Cagliari's rich cultural history is best explored through its breathtaking cathedral, museums and galleries.
Wander through Cagliari's bountiful gardens or explore the amphitheatre carved into the landscape.
First inhabited during Neolithic times, Cagliari is now Sardinia's largest city and the island's capital. Blessed with a sheltered harbour, salty lagoons, a hearty wheat supply and ore from local mines, the city has always been rich with natural resources. Cagliari is a cultural centre for the island and is studded with unique monuments and the fascinating artistic legacies of its occupying nations. Explore the city's botanical gardens that are bursting with exotic life, gaze in awe at the breath-taking amphitheatre, carved into the rocky landscape, and indulge yourself with some hearty, fresh Sardinian cuisine.
JAN | 14.8°C |
FEB | 14.1°C |
MAR | 14.2°C |
APR | 15.4°C |
MAY | 17.9°C |
JUN | 21.5°C |
JUL | 24.7°C |
AUG | 26.1°C |
SEP | 24.9°C |
OCT | 22.3°C |
NOV | 19.1°C |
DEC | 16.3°C |