Haugesund, Norway cruise holidays

Haugesund, homeland of the Viking kings and birthplace of Norway, is a place where you can inhale the Viking spirit. Surrounded by beautiful coastline, spectacular waterfalls and majestic fjords it's no wonder the kings called this extraordinary setting home. Populated for thousands of years, you can walk in the footsteps of the great kings at the Nordvegen History Centre and travel back over 3,500 years. St Olav's Church, dating from 1250 AD, is a monument to the former days of glory, and next to the church stands one of Norway's tallest pillars, Virgin Mary's Sewing Needle. In nearby Rehaugene you can explore the 'Pyramids of the North' - six intriguing Bronze Age, earthen burial mounds. And if you are feeling like a spot of retail therapy, you're in luck - not only is Haugesund filled with charming markets it's also home to Norway's longest pedestrian street.
Frequently asked questions about Haugesund, Norway
JAN | 1.8°C |
FEB | 1.4°C |
MAR | 2.7°C |
APR | 5.4°C |
MAY | 9.3°C |
JUN | 12.2°C |
JUL | 14°C |
AUG | 14.3°C |
SEP | 12°C |
OCT | 8.9°C |
NOV | 5.1°C |
DEC | 2.9°C |
The official language spoken in Haugesund is Norwegian
The currency in Haugesund is the Norwegian krone (NOK)
1.5ltr bottle of water = 15.35 kr (approx. £1.30)
Coffee (from a restaurant) = 38.50 kr (approx. £3.25)
0.5ltr Domestic Beer from Draught = 83.00 kr (approx. £6.95)
Three course meal for 2 people in a mid-range restaurant = 800.00 kr (approx. £66.85)
Tipping is not required or expected in Norway and is entirely voluntary and up to the individual. That being said, some prefer to round up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK.
Good morning - God morgen "Goo moh-ohrn"
Good afternoon - God ettermiddag "Gooh eh-ter-mee-dahg"
Good night - God natt "Gooh naht"
Hello - Hallo "Hallo"
Where is - Hvor er…? "Woor err"
Please - Vær så snill "Var-saw snill"
Thank you - Takk "Tahk"
Excuse me - Unnskyld meg "Unn-shill mei"
I dont understand - Jeg forstår ikke "Yay for-storh ee-keh"
Norway has a strong coffee culture and Haugesund is no different, with welcoming cafés run by expert baristas.
Haugesund has a variety of restaurants where you can escape the often-brisk climate and warm yourself with a hearty meal.
A number of typically Norwegian, down-to-earth pubs can be found in Haugesund, as well as some upscale cocktail spots.
Those wanting to pick up souvenirs in Haugesund have plenty of shops to peruse, from local delis to fashionable home stores.
Discover Haugesund's unique history as a key port for the herring trade, and the site of a pivotal Viking battle.
Haugesund is full of interesting spots to explore, from monuments to museums to stunning Nordic lakes.