Kristiansand, Norway cruise holidays

Kristiansand is Norways most sunniest southerly city and cruise port. Beaches, superb scenery, rich history and a range of attractions, all make this city a popular and also with the Norwegians. Cruises to Kristiansand bring visitors into a renaissance city founded in 1641, with the history laid out in one of Norways largest open-air museums - Vest Agder. It is also apparent in the 17th century Christiansholm Fortress and the rows of attractive old wooden houses in the city centre. After visiting Kristiansand, your cruise tour will take you just outside the city to explore the 960-year-old Oddernes Church and the Kristiansand Cannon Museum, with the world's second largest gun. Other tours take in a recreated Bronze Age settlement with its own fertility maze and the Setesdalsbanen Vintage Steam Railway.
Frequently asked questions about Kristiansand, Norway
JAN | 0.5°C |
FEB | 0.1°C |
MAR | 1.8°C |
APR | 4.9°C |
MAY | 9.5°C |
JUN | 13.5°C |
JUL | 15.5°C |
AUG | 15.5°C |
SEP | 12.5°C |
OCT | 9°C |
NOV | 4.9°C |
DEC | 2°C |
The official language spoken in Kristiansand is Norwegian
The currency in Kristiansand is the Norwegian krone (NOK)
1.5ltr bottle of water = 23.00 kr (approx. £1.95)
Coffee (from a restaurant) = 37.85 kr (approx. £3.15)
0.5ltr Domestic Beer from Draught = 90.00 kr (approx. £7.55)
Three course meal for 2 people in a mid-range restaurant = 825.00 kr (approx. £68.90)
Tipping is not required or expected in Norway and is entirely voluntary and up to the individual. That being said, some prefer to round up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK.
Good morning - God morgen "Goo moh-ohrn"
Good afternoon - God ettermiddag "Gooh eh-ter-mee-dahg"
Good night - God natt "Gooh naht"
Hello - Hallo "Hallo"
Where is - Hvor er…? "Woor err"
Please - Vær så snill "Var-saw snill"
Thank you - Takk "Tahk"
Excuse me - Unnskyld meg "Unn-shill mei"
I dont understand - Jeg forstår ikke "Yay for-storh ee-keh"
From local bakeries to emergent new coffee shops, Kristiansand's best cafés offer the perfect pick-me-up.
Savour fresh catches from the fiskebrygga (fish market) in the local harbour - in Kristiansand's hearty Norwegian restaurants.
Drop into one of Kristiansand's many thriving pubs or elegant bars for a taste of refreshing Norwegian hospitality.
Kristiansand's boutiques and malls promise shopping trips filled with chic Nordic interior design and understated fashion.
With a lively, burgeoning cultural scene, Norway's fifth-largest city holds its own alongside its more populous neighbours.
Norway's Agder County has stunning and unique scenery. Set out on foot to explore its epic sights.