Kristiansund, Norway cruise holidays

It's believed that the very first Norwegians lived near Kristiansund around 8,000 BC, at the end of the last Ice Age. During the Viking Age there were many important battles around the city. Laid out across four islands connected by bridges and ferries, Kristiansund sits in a beautiful setting on Norway’s fjord coast. From here, the surrounding mountains and fjords invite you to explore the lush, dramatic, flower-decked scenery. Kristiansund itself is a colourful place, with brightly painted houses surrounding the natural harbour.
During WWII most of the city was destroyed by Germany. Today Kristiansund is a much more peaceful place and the lovely city is spread across five islands just off the mainland. The old watchtower, Varden, is a great place for panoramic views across the city and surrounding islands. Kristiansund boasts some of Norway's most interesting architecture including the Art Nouveau Kristiansund Opera House and the Old Town at Innlandet. But as German bombs levelled the city, most of the colourful architecture is post-war. Kristiansund was built on the exporting of clipfish (salted cod) and was a major supplier to the Mediterranean area. The Norwegian Clipfish Museum follows the progress of that industry throughout the ages. Watch for the sculpture of the Clipfish Woman of Kristiansund, proudly standing near the waterfront.
Frequently asked questions about Kristiansund, Norway
JAN | 0.4°C |
FEB | 0.4°C |
MAR | 2.1°C |
APR | 4.6°C |
MAY | 8.6°C |
JUN | 11.5°C |
JUL | 13.2°C |
AUG | 13.5°C |
SEP | 10.6°C |
OCT | 7.2°C |
NOV | 3.3°C |
DEC | 1.1°C |
The official language spoken in Kristiansund is Norwegian
The currency in Kristiansund is the Norwegian krone (NOK)
1.5ltr bottle of water = 16.25 kr (approx. £1.35)
Coffee (from a restaurant) = 68.75 kr (approx. £5.75)
0.5ltr Domestic Beer from Draught = 91.50 kr (approx. £7.65)
Three course meal for 2 people in a mid-range restaurant = 850.00 kr (approx. £71.00)
Tipping is not required or expected in Norway and is entirely voluntary and up to the individual. That being said, some prefer to round up to the nearest 10 or 100 NOK.
Good morning - God morgen "Goo moh-ohrn"
Good afternoon - God ettermiddag "Gooh eh-ter-mee-dahg"
Good night - God natt "Gooh naht"
Hello - Hallo "Hallo"
Where is - Hvor er…? "Woor err"
Please - Vær så snill "Var-saw snill"
Thank you - Takk "Tahk"
Excuse me - Unnskyld meg "Unn-shill mei"
I dont understand - Jeg forstår ikke "Yay for-storh ee-keh"
Kristiansund is home to a wide range of quiet, cosy cafés and elegantly designed speciality coffee houses.
Dive into Kristiansund's dynamic restaurant scene and explore its many traditional seafood eateries and modern brasseries.
Drink like a local and make the most of Kristiansund's traditional pubs and contemporary cocktail and wine bars
Take home that perfect souvenir, and explore Kristiansund's varied fashion boutiques, craft stores and costume shops.
Kristiansund is a thriving cultural hub, with numerous museums, music venues and an opera house for you to explore.
Enjoy the fresh sea air and romantic coastal views of Kristiansund.