Livorno (tours to Florence and Pisa), Italy cruise holidays

Founded in the 16th century by the Grand Dukes of Tuscany - the Medici Family, Livorno remains a busy port and town. Its centre, which is walkable from the port, has some pretty bars, cafes and chic shops but most of Livornos cruise visitors head straight for Pisa, Florence, or the Tuscan towns of Lucca and Siena. You may be surprised to find that the recently restored Leaning Tower is just one of many towers in Pisa and that elegant Florence is compact enough to be walkable. With the Arno river running through it, you should be able to keep your bearings fairly easily as you visit the Uffizi Gallery and cross the gold and silver merchants-lined Ponte Vecchio on your way round the many attractions of this startlingly beautiful Renaissance city.
Frequently asked questions about Livorno, Italy
JAN | 7.7°C |
FEB | 8.4°C |
MAR | 10.4°C |
APR | 12.9°C |
MAY | 16.6°C |
JUN | 20.3°C |
JUL | 23.1°C |
AUG | 23.2°C |
SEP | 20.3°C |
OCT | 16.3°C |
NOV | 11.7°C |
DEC | 8.4°C |
The official language in Livorno is Italian
The currency in Livorno is the Euro (EUR)
1.5ltr bottle of water = 0.35 € (approx. £0.30)
Coffee (from a restaurant) = 1.25 € (approx. £1.05)
0.5ltr Domestic Beer from Draught = 4.50 € (approx. £3.80)
Three course meal for 2 people in a mid-range restaurant = 40.00 € (approx. £33.85)
Usually included in the bill and considered as a 'bonus' (rather than mandatory). Tips are preferably given in cash.
Good morning - Buon giorno "Bwohn johr-noh"
Good afternoon - Buon pomeriggio "Bwohn poh-meh-ree-joh"
Good night - Buona notte "Bwoh-nah-noht-teh"
Hello - Ciao "Chow"
Where is - Dov'è è...? "Doh-veh-eh"
Please - Per favore "Pehr fah-voh-reh"
Thank you - Grazie "Grah-tsyeh"
Excuse me - Scusa "Scoo-zee"
I dont understand - Non capisco "Nohn kah-pees-koh"
From small, family-run cafés to modern roasteries, Italy's coffee tradition is alive and well in Livorno.
Livorno's restaurants and markets overflow with the riches of the Mediterranean and the famous Tuscan countryside.
With its vast squares and beautiful seafront views, this charming Mediterranean city is always best encountered on foot.
The latest Italian fashions and the best Tuscan produce are on offer in Livorno. Perfect for any last minute gifts!
From the canals of its Venetian district to the forts that loom over the city, Livorno's rich history is always on display.
With its vast squares and beautiful seafront views, this charming Mediterranean city is always best encountered on foot.
JAN | 14.4°C |
FEB | 13.7°C |
MAR | 13.7°C |
APR | 15.2°C |
MAY | 18.2°C |
JUN | 22.0°C |
JUL | 24.9°C |
AUG | 25.5°C |
SEP | 23.6°C |
OCT | 20.9°C |
NOV | 18.3°C |
DEC | 15.9°C |