Messina, Italy cruise holidays

Messina sits on a curved harbour at the northernmost point of Sicily’s Ionian Coast, a few kilometres from mainland Italy. An earthquake in 1908 flattened much of the original town, but the Sicilian cruise port Messina bounced back and it has since enhanced one of its major surviving attractions - the Duomo.
The Duomo, a 12th century Norman church built by the unusually-named Count Roger II - with the installation of an astronomical clock in the bell tower. Made in Strasbourg in 1933, the clock face shows the planetary system representing the days of the week and the age of man. There are more Norman churches, several beautiful medieval fountains and a fascinating museum to see and visit in the town centre before you head for the areas main attractions: Mount Etna or the magnificent hill-top town of Taormina, overlooking the Bay of Giardini, which has one of the largest Greco-Roman theatres in the world and is full of fascinating nooks and crannies, arty stores, and tasty cafes and restaurants.
Sicily is a filmmaker’s dream. Much of Cinema Paradiso was shot in northwestern Sicily, while many scenes from the Godfather trilogy were shot here. Devotees of the film can follow in the Godfathers’ footsteps with an excursion to the pretty hillside villages of Savoca – home of Bar Vitelli – and Forza d'Agro.
Frequently asked questions about Messina, Italy
JAN | 11.8°C |
FEB | 11.9°C |
MAR | 13.3°C |
APR | 15.4°C |
MAY | 19.2°C |
JUN | 23.1°C |
JUL | 26.1°C |
AUG | 26.5°C |
SEP | 24.1°C |
OCT | 20.1°C |
NOV | 16.5°C |
DEC | 13.4°C |
The official language spoken in Messina is Italian
The currency in Messina is the Euro (EUR)
1.5ltr bottle of water = 0.90 € (approx. £0.75)
Coffee (from a restaurant) = 1.75 € (approx. £1.50)
0.5ltr Domestic Beer from Draught = 3.00 € (approx. £2.55)
Three course meal for 2 people in a mid-range restaurant = 50.00 € (approx. £36.40
Usually included in the bill and considered as a bonus. Best given in cash.
Good morning - Buon giorno "Bwohn johr-noh"
Good afternoon - Buon pomeriggio "Bwohn poh-meh-ree-joh"
Good night - Buona notte "Bwoh-nah-noht-teh"
Hello - Ciao "Chow"
Where is - Dov'è è...? "Doh-veh-eh"
Please - Per favore "Pehr fah-voh-reh"
Thank you - Grazie "Grah-tsyeh"
Excuse me - Scusa "Skoo-saah"
I dont understand - Non capisco "Nohn kah-pees-koh"
Whether it's a morning espresso or a mezza al cafés at midday, Sicily is one of Italy's most exciting coffee hotspots.
Messina's many trattorias are often family-run, serving the best of the Mediterranean in traditional Sicilian fashion.
Enjoy a cooling drink away from the midday sun on the terrace of one of Messina's many bistros and enotecas.
From artisanal producers to its many fashion boutiques, it's impossible to leave Messina empty-handed.
Messina has always thrived, through its three millenia of inhabitation and countless earthquakes.
With sunshine throughout the year, visitors to Messina have long since learnt it's a city best enjoyed on foot.
JAN | 15.3°C |
FEB | 14.5°C |
MAR | 14.5°C |
APR | 15.5°C |
MAY | 17.9°C |
JUN | 22.1°C |
JUL | 25.6°C |
AUG | 26.8°C |
SEP | 25.6°C |
OCT | 22.9°C |
NOV | 19.9°C |
DEC | 17.1°C |