Mindelo - St Vincent, Cape Verde cruise holidays

Remote and peaceful, the Cape Verde Islands are about as far off the beaten track as you'll get.
The island of St. Vincent has intriguing markets and some excellent bars whilst the local people bear witness to the islands role as a former slave centre.
Frequently asked questions about Mindelo, Cape Verde
JAN | 21.4°C |
FEB | 21.0°C |
MAR | 21.3°C |
APR | 21.8°C |
MAY | 22.2°C |
JUN | 23.6°C |
JUL | 24.7°C |
AUG | 25.2°C |
SEP | 25.1°C |
OCT | 24.6°C |
NOV | 24.2°C |
DEC | 22.8°C |
The official language in Mindelo is Portuguese
The currency in Mindelo is the Cape Verdean Escudo (CVE)
1.5ltr bottle of water = 60.00 Esc (approx. £0.45)
Coffee (from a restaurant) = 95.00 Esc (approx. £0.75)
0.5ltr Domestic Beer from Draught = 400.00 Esc (approx. £3.05)
Three course meal for 2 people in a mid-range restaurant = 2,300.00 Esc (approx. £17.50)
It's best to add 10-15% to the total bill here, but you can use either local currency or euro.
Good morning - Bom Dia "Bom dee-ah"
Good afternoon - Boa Tarde "Bo-ah tar-jeh"
Good night - Boa Noite "Bo-ah noyt"
Hello - Ola "Oh-lah"
Where is - Onde esta "Ond-jeh ehs-ta"
Please - Por Favor "Poor fah-vohr"
Thank you - Obrigado "Oh-bree-gah-doh"
Excuse me - Com Licença "Kohn lih-sen-sah"
I dont understand - Não estou entendendo "Nown es-tou entendendo"
There are several great places to get your caffeine fix in Mindelo while enjoying a tasty treat on the side.
Delicious local and European cuisine can easily be found in Mindelo, with particularly exceptional seafood on offer.
Mindelo is known for its bar scene, where you can enjoy the local rum while listening to the melodious sounds of 'morna'.
A buzzing, traditional market and charming local gift shops are some of the shopping options in Mindelo.
Mindelo is the cultural hub of Cape Verde, with interesting art exhibitions, a fantastic music scene and the Torre de Belem.
It's not hard to enjoy the outdoors on St Vincent, with its white-sand beaches and perfect weather.