Oranjestad, Aruba cruise holidays

Talcum-soft beaches, world class shopping, glitzy casinos, stunning sea views and tracts of desert landscape scattered with giant boulders and exotic cacti are all yours to enjoy when you visit popular Aruba, jewel of the 'deep' Caribbean. And you will find most of Aruba's attractions without straying far from the capital, Oranjestad, a waterfront city endowed with a cosmopolitan population - of Portuguese, Spanish, Venezuelan, Indian, Pakistani and African as well as Dutch origin. This cultural mix makes Oranjestad cruise port heaven for adventurous foodies and a great place to `shop the world' as you can pick up Delft china, Dutch cheese, Danish silverware and Madeiran embroidery at low prices. For local colour, visit Schooner Harbour, which is crammed with brightly painted boats and craft stalls, and Willemstad, famed for its 16th century Dutch houses. And water babies will love Eagle Beach, Palm Beach and Baby Beach, all a short distance from the port.
Frequently asked questions about Oranjestad, Aruba
JAN | 26.2°C |
FEB | 26.2°C |
MAR | 26.6°C |
APR | 27.3°C |
MAY | 28.1°C |
JUN | 28.1°C |
JUL | 28.1°C |
AUG | 28.3°C |
SEP | 28.9°C |
OCT | 28.5°C |
NOV | 27.6°C |
DEC | 26.8°C |
The official languages spoken in Aruba are Papiamento and Dutch
The currency in Aruba is the Aruban florin (AWG)
1.5ltr bottle of water = 5.15 ƒ (approx. £2.15)
Coffee (from a restaurant) = 5.25 ƒ (approx. £2.15)
0.5ltr Domestic Beer from Draught = 5.50 ƒ (approx. £2.25)
Three course meal for 2 people in a mid-range restaurant = 128.80 ƒ (approx. £52.95)
Some restaurants and bars add service charge to your bill. However, it is not mandatory to tip.
Good morning - Bom dia "Bohn-dee-ah"
Good afternoon - Boa tardi "Bohn tardee"
Good night - Buenas nochi "Bohn nochee"
Hello - Kiko ta kiko "Keeko-tah-keeko"
Where is - Unda e...? "Oon-dah e"
Please - Por fabor "Por fa-bor"
Thank you - DankI "Dahnk-ee"
Excuse me - Despensa "Dehs-pen-sah"
I dont understand - Mi no ta komprondé "Me no ta kom-prond-e"
JAN | 26°C |
FEB | 26°C |
MAR | 26°C |
APR | 27°C |
MAY | 27°C |
JUN | 28°C |
JUL | 27°C |
AUG | 28°C |
SEP | 29°C |
OCT | 29°C |
NOV | 28°C |
DEC | 27°C |
Oranjestad's many coffee houses are often family-run, and offer delicious breakfast and lunch options.
Aruba's exciting restaurants reflect the diversity of its population and the richness of its surroundings.
There is surely little more enjoyable than a relaxing cocktail at one of Oranjestad's beach-front bars.
Casual sportswear and exquisitely crafted artisanal wares are on offer at Aruba's many independent stores.
Aruba's diverse history and rich culture is a source of local pride, and rightly celebrated throughout the island.
From the sweeping views atop the Hooiberg to the quietude of Renaissance Island, Aruba rewards outdoor adventurers.