Ponta Delgada, Portugal cruise holidays
A strong Portuguese influence pervades Ponta Delgada from the stylish colonial architecture to the food and wine served in its restaurants. But that should really come as no surprise as this is the main Portuguese Azores cruise port even if these remote Atlantic islands are 760 miles distant from their parent country.
The capital of Sao Miguel, the largest of the nine mountaineous, thickly-forested Azores islands, Ponta Delgada is probably the most spectacularly beautiful, too. It certainly has the most dramatic attraction:Sete citadades.This is a 15 square mile extinct volcanic crater in which two separate lakes have formed - one deep blue, the other emerald green. They make a remarkable sight, not to mention a great photo-opportunity.
There is also a chance to bathe in the volcanic streams and therapeutic sulphur springs where locals come to picnic, burying their stewpots and sweetcorn so that they are cooked by natural heat.
Frequently asked questions about Ponta Delgada, Portugal
JAN | 14.9°C |
FEB | 14.7°C |
MAR | 15.0°C |
APR | 15.5°C |
MAY | 16.8°C |
JUN | 18.6°C |
JUL | 20.4°C |
AUG | 21.3°C |
SEP | 21.2°C |
OCT | 19.6°C |
NOV | 17.5°C |
DEC | 15.6°C |
The official language spoken in Ponta Delgada is Portuguese
The currency in Ponta Delgada is the Euro (EUR)
1.5ltr bottle of water = 1.00 € (approx. £0.85)
Coffee (from a restaurant) = 0.95 € (approx. £0.80)
0.5ltr Domestic Beer from Draught = 1.00 € (approx. £0.85)
Three course meal for 2 people in a mid-range restaurant = 30.00 € (approx. £25.40)
10% is considered a generous tip in restaurants and bars.
Good morning - Bom dia "Bohn dee-ah"
Good afternoon - Boa tarde "Boa-ah tar-deh"
Good night - Boa noite "Boh-ah noy-teh"
Hello - Olá "Oh-lah"
Where is - Onde é "Ond-jeh eh"
Please - Por fabor "Por fa-bor"
Thank you - Obrigado / a "Oh-bree-gah-doh / ah"
Excuse me - Com licença "Kohn lih-sen-sah״
I dont understand - Não compreendo "Nowng kohn-pree-en-doh"
Old-world cafés rub shoulders with emerging, trendy coffee outlets on Ponta Delgada's winding streets.
Familiar Portuguese fare, such as the tapas-like petiscos, are given an Azorean twist, with a focus on local seafood.
Many of Ponta Delgada's bars began as watering-holes for local fishermen - enjoy the bustling, authentic atmosphere.
Browse authentic, artisanal Azorean products and gifts in Ponta Delgada's charming boutique shops.
Ponta Delgada's long and fascinating history tells a tale of pirates and unique festival-making.
The warm but rainy climate on the Azores makes has helped make the islands a lush natural haven.
JAN | 17.0°C |
FEB | 16.5°C |
MAR | 16.0°C |
APR | 16.5°C |
MAY | 17.5°C |
JUN | 19.5°C |
JUL | 22.0°C |
AUG | 23.5°C |
SEP | 23.0°C |
OCT | 21.5°C |
NOV | 19.5°C |
DEC | 18.0°C |