Leixoes (tours to Porto), Portugal cruise holidays

Porto is an enchanting, historic Portuguese city with Roman ramparts and Parisian-style squares. But it's best known for its port wine - to which the city gave its name. The cathedral area is filled with many treasures, like the Renaissance church of Santa Clara and the densely populated quarter of Barredo, which hasn't changed since medieval times.
The narrow streets of the riverside quarter of Ribeira are delightful and dotted with fashionable bars and restaurants overflowing with seafood. If you’re visiting Porto, you won’t go hungry. The city is famed for its food thanks to the wonderous array of fresh local produce available from the land and sea.
Frequently asked questions about Porto, Portugal
JAN | 9.1°C |
FEB | 9.8°C |
MAR | 11.7°C |
APR | 13.3°C |
MAY | 15.2°C |
JUN | 18°C |
JUL | 19.5°C |
AUG | 19.6°C |
SEP | 18.6°C |
OCT | 15.8°C |
NOV | 12.2°C |
DEC | 9.6°C |
The official language spoken in Porto is Portuguese
The currency in Porto is the Euro (EUR)
1.5ltr bottle of water = 0.45 € (approx. £0.40)
Coffee (from a restaurant) = 1.60 € (approx. £1.35)
0.5ltr Domestic Beer from Draught = 2.00 € (approx. £1.70)
Three course meal for 2 people in a mid-range restaurant = 35.50 € (approx. £30.05)
Tipping 5% – 10% in restaurants is standard, although tipping need only be provided if you are extremely happy with the service. No tip is expected for coffee or a beverage.
Good morning - Bom Dia "Bom dee-ah"
Good afternoon - Boa Tarde "Bo-ah tar-jeh"
Good night - Boa Noite "Bo-ah noyt"
Hello - Ola "Oh-lah"
Where is - Onde esta...? "Ond-jeh ehs-ta"
Please - Por Favor "Poor fah-vohr"
Thank you - Obrigado/a "Oh-bree-gah-doh/dah"
Excuse me - Com licença "Kohn lih-sen-sah"
I dont understand - Não estou entendendo "Nown es-tou entendendo"
Porto's café scene varies from traditional and grand European establishments to comfortable, casual tea rooms.
Sample sumptuous, traditional Portuguese dishes along with experimental and refreshing takes on old classics.
The home of port wine is sure to have a dazzling bar scene and Porto doesn't disappoint at all.
Porto's reputation as one of Europe's leading cultural hotspots is on display with fantastic art and beautiful architecture.
Make a stop at one of the oldest bookstores in Europe, a bustling food market or discover stunning Portuguese designware.
The undulating hills on which Porto is built mean that stunning city viewpoints are around every corner.
JAN | 14.5°C |
FEB | 14.0°C |
MAR | 14.0°C |
APR | 14.5°C |
MAY | 15.5°C |
JUN | 17.0°C |
JUL | 18.5°C |
AUG | 19.0°C |
SEP | 18.5°C |
OCT | 17.5°C |
NOV | 16.5°C |
DEC | 15.0°C |