Civitavecchia (tours to Rome), Italy cruise holidays

Standing in the Colosseum, visiting Vatican City and tossing a coin in the Trevi Fountain are all unique experiences of a lifetime to be had in the Eternal City of Rome, reached from your Italian cruise port Civitavecchia. Rome's breathtaking monuments, palaces, churches and classical features are quite unlike anything you will find in any other European city. They will always leave you wanting to come back for more - hence the coin-tossing, which is said to guarantee your return. The city's other must-sees include the Spanish Steps, the Pantheon (probably the most complete ancient Roman building in the city) and the Sistine Chapel, home to Michelangelo's masterpieces. While steeped in history, Rome is also a modern, bustling city with designer shops and chic boutiques at every turn. Reasonably priced department stores selling all the latest fashions can be found in the many pedestrianised shopping streets, while restaurants and cafes spill out onto piazzas offering authentic Italian dishes and sensational ice cream.
Frequently asked questions about Rome, Italy
JAN | 7.7°C |
FEB | 8.9°C |
MAR | 10.8°C |
APR | 13.7°C |
MAY | 17.7°C |
JUN | 21.7°C |
JUL | 24.4°C |
AUG | 24.3°C |
SEP | 21.3°C |
OCT | 16.8°C |
NOV | 12.3°C |
DEC | 8.9°C |
The official language spoken in Rome is Italian
The currency in Rome is the Euro (EUR)
1.5ltr bottle of water = 0.65 € (approx. £0.55)
Coffee (from a restaurant) = 1.30 € (approx. £1.10)
0.5ltr Domestic Beer from Draught = 5.00 € (approx. £4.25)
Three course meal for 2 people in a mid-range restaurant = 56.00 € (approx. £47.40)
Usually included in the bill and considered as a 'bonus' (rather than mandatory). Tips are preferably given in cash.
Good morning - Buon giorno "Bwohn johr-noh"
Good afternoon -Buon pomeriggio "Bwohn poh-meh-ree-joh"
Good night - Buona notte "Bwoh-nah-noht-teh"
Hello - Ciao "Chow"
Where is - Dov'è è...? "Doh-veh-eh"
Please - Per favore "Pehr fah-voh-reh"
Thank you - Grazie "Grah-tsyeh"
Excuse me - Scusa "Skoo-sah"
I dont understand - Non capisco "Nohn kah-pees-koh"
JAN | 14.9°C |
FEB | 14.1°C |
MAR | 14.1°C |
APR | 15.6°C |
MAY | 18.6°C |
JUN | 22.4°C |
JUL | 25.3°C |
AUG | 25.9°C |
SEP | 24.2°C |
OCT | 21.7°C |
NOV | 19.0°C |
DEC | 16.5°C |