Santander, Spain cruise holidays

Santander, is located on the northern coast of Spain and enjoys a stunning location nestled on a small peninsular jutting between the waters of the Bay of Santander and the seas of the Bay of Biscay. The area surrounding the city is lined with 11 sandy beaches, which are perfect for sun worshipers and water sports enthusiasts alike. The area of El Sardinero in times past was famed as a resort by Spain's richest citizens. Their patronage has resulted in a beautiful area of beaches, divided by the gardens of Piquio, stretching from the Magdalena Peninsula to Mataleas. The area also boasts hotels, cafes and even a casino. Those looking to discover Santander away from the beaches will find a city as historic as it is beautiful. The Cathedral of Santander was built between 13th and 14th centuries on top of proceeding holy buildings and combines Gothic and Romanesque architecture.
Frequently asked questions about Santander, Spain
JAN | 9.3°C |
FEB | 9.4°C |
MAR | 11.5°C |
APR | 12.6°C |
MAY | 14.3°C |
JUN | 17.3°C |
JUL | 19.1°C |
AUG | 19.4°C |
SEP | 18.3°C |
OCT | 15.5°C |
NOV | 12.3°C |
DEC | 10.2°C |
The official language spoken in Santander is Castilian Spanish
The currency in Santander is the Euro (EUR)
1.5ltr bottle of water = 0.55 € (approx. £0.46)
Coffee (from a restaurant) = 1.90 € (approx. £1.60)
0.5ltr Domestic Beer from Draught = 2.50 € (approx. £2.10)
Three course meal for 2 people in a mid-range restaurant = 45.00 € (approx. £37.55)
Tipping 10% of the bill is considered good practice and is warmly received by staff.
Good morning - Buenos dias "Bweh-nohs dee-ahs"
Good afternoon - Buenas tardes "Bweh-nahs tar-dehs"
Good night - Buenas noches "Bweh-nahs noh-chehs"
Hello - Hola "Oh-lah"
Where is - ¿Dónde está...? "Dohn-des-tah"
Please - Por favor "Pohr fah-bohr"
Thank you - Gracias "Grah-syahs"
Excuse me - Perdón "Pear-don"
I dont understand - No entiendo "Noh ehn-tyen-doh"
Explore Santander's café culture, from buzzing breakfast spots to stylish, artisan coffee houses.
Santander is studded with world-class restaurants championing contemporary Spanish cuisine and the finest local produce.
Explore Santander's laid-back social scene, from bustling speakeasy bars to relaxed tapas joints.
Whether you're looking for vibrant markets or specialist boutiques, Santander has something for every shopper.
Wander through ornate Roman Catholic cathedrals or discover masterful artworks in groundbreaking contemporary galleries.
Relax in the sun as you explore Santander's city parks, public sculptures and historic squares.