Stockholm, Sweden cruise holidays

One of the most beautiful cities in Scandinavia, Sweden's capital and cruise port Stockholm - where the Baltic meets lovely Lake Malaren - is approached through a necklace of 14 islands and myriad small islets set in sparkling seas, as you will discover on our Stockholm cruises. The heart of this famous city is its medieval quarter, Gamla Stan, which dates from the 13th Century. Here you can stroll through narrow cobbled streets lined with quirky shops and atmospheric cafs. Embark on one of our cruises to Stockholm for the opportunity to explore the spooky Gothic cathedral of Storkyran, discover the elaborate 17th Century Nessin Palace and visit Sweden's oldest museum, the Livrustkammaren - home to five centuries' worth of royal carriages, clothes and weaponry (its most unusual exhibit is Streiff - the stuffed stallion which once carried King Gustav II into battle). With the variety of attractions Stockholm cruise tours take in, don't dally too long, though - make time to explore the city's many waterways in a glass-topped sightseeing boat, which will give you the best views of Stockholm's dazzling architecture and some of the 40 elaborate bridges which link its islands.
Frequently asked questions about Stockholm, Sweden
JAN | -2.3°C |
FEB | -2.6°C |
MAR | 0.5°C |
APR | 5.0°C |
MAY | 10.9°C |
JUN | 15.9°C |
JUL | 17.9°C |
AUG | 16.9°C |
SEP | 12.3°C |
OCT | 7.6°C |
NOV | 2.7°C |
DEC | -0.6°C |
The official language spoken in Stockholm is Swedish
The currency in Stockholm is the Swedish krona (SEK)
1.5ltr bottle of water = 15.80 kr (approx. £1.25)
Coffee (from a restaurant) = 41.20 kr (approx. £3.25)
0.5ltr Domestic Beer from Draught = 70.00 kr (approx. £5.55)
Three course meal for 2 people in a mid-range restaurant = 800.00 kr (approx. £63.10)
The best option is to tip by rounding up the amount of the bill.
Good morning - God morgen "Good mor-gohn"
Good afternoon - God kväll "Good kvel"
Good night - God natt "Good naht"
Hello - Hej "Hey"
Where is - Vart ligger…? "Vart lee-ger"
Please - Snälla "Snel-lah"
Thank you - Tack så mycket "Tak so mik-ket"
Excuse me - Förlåt mig "For-lort may"
I dont understand - Jag förstår inte "Yah for-shtor in-teh"
Stockholm's café scene is a mix of trendy kitchens with a relaxed, chic aesthetic and bakeries full of warm fresh loaves.
Experience Michelin-starred fine dining restaurants, which sit alongside old-fashioned eateries serving classic Swedish fare.
Take a trip through Stockholm's social scene at these lively bars, ranging from local pubs to Viking-inspired beer halls.
From vintage clothing to minimalist womenswear boutiques to artsy vinyl stores - Stockholm is a stylish shopping haven.
From imposing palaces to shining pop culture paraphernalia, Stockholm shows off the amazing scope of Sweden's culture.
Stockholm is dotted with outdoor highlights for keen adventurers, from royal gardens to the historic, ochre-roofed Old Town.