Trieste, Italy cruise holidays

Peculiarly, the Italian city of Trieste is entirely surrounded by Slovenia. This physical isolation is underlined by cultural departures from the motherland too. With historic connections to Austria's Hapsburgs, the city also has German, Jewish, Slavic and Greek influences. This melting pot makes for a fascinating visit. You'll find this mingled history written into the walls of its ancient buildings. Well worth a visit is Castello Miramare - a 19th century castle hewn from white Istrian stone, overlooking the blue waters of the Adriatic. Dominating the city is the fortress, Castello di San Giusto, where you can enjoy picturesque views from the adjacent memorial garden. Below the castle walls is the 14th century Cattedrale di San Giusto where the remains of San Giusto (St Justus or Just) are held. If you're seeking a more laid back space to sip coffee and crunch on biscotti, then the Piazza dell'Unita d'Italia, at the waterfront, is ideal. The architecture will keep you occupied as you watch the world go by, or why not toss a coin into the quaint fountain nearby? The unique atmosphere of Trieste has a special kind of appeal. With the Slovenian border just a few miles away, it's no surprise that the Slovenian language is often heard.
Frequently asked questions about Trieste, Italy
JAN | 5.6°C |
FEB | 6.4°C |
MAR | 9.2°C |
APR | 12.9°C |
MAY | 17.6°C |
JUN | 21.1°C |
JUL | 23.6°C |
AUG | 23.1°C |
SEP | 19.7°C |
OCT | 15.2°C |
NOV | 10.3°C |
DEC | 6.8°C |
The official language spoken in Trieste is Italian
The currency in Trieste is the Euro (EUR)
1.5ltr bottle of water = 0.45 € (approx. £0.40)
Coffee (from a restaurant) = 1.35 € (approx. £1.15)
0.5ltr Domestic Beer from Draught = 4.50 € (approx. £3.80)
Three course meal for 2 people in a mid-range restaurant = 60.00 € (approx. £50.75)
Tipping in Italy is not expected but always appreciated. Rounding up your bill is generally sufficient. If you participate in a tour, however, it is customary to tip your guide 5-10 Euros per person or 10% of the cost of the tour.
Good morning - Buon giorno "Bwohn-johr-noh"
Good afternoon - Buona sera "Bwoh-nah-seh-rah"
Good night - Buona notte "Bwoh–nah–noh–teh"
Hello - Ciao! "Chow"
Where is - Dov’è… "Doh-veh…"
Please - Per favore "Pehr fah-voh-reh"
Thank you - Grazie "Grah-tsee-eh"
Excuse me - Permesso "Pehr-mehs-soh"
I dont understand - Non capisco "Non kah-pee-skoh"
Coffee culture is sacred in Trieste, the doorway to Europe for most of its raw beans. Tour Trieste’s historic cafés and familiarise yourself with its unique ordering lingo.
Geographically disconnected from the rest of Italy, Trieste’s gastronomy has been heavily influenced by Central and Eastern Europe. For a truly authentic experience, enjoy your lunch standing at the counter of a family-owned buffet.
A refreshing spritz—either wine or Aperol will do—or a bright, floral hugo is the perfect companion to a view of the Adriatic Sea.
As you wander the neighbourhoods and alleyways of Trieste, you’ll stumble across any number of locally-owned boutiques to browse.
Trieste has long been one of the European cities most tolerant of diversity, and its cultural life has benefitted enormously.
Trieste’s opulent architecture and historic districts make it exceedingly pleasant to explore on foot. The surroundings, full of beaches, caves, and rolling hills, are also well worth a visit.
JAN | 10.2°C |
FEB | 9.3°C |
MAR | 10.1°C |
APR | 13.3°C |
MAY | 18.2°C |
JUN | 22.9°C |
JUL | 25.4°C |
AUG | 25.5°C |
SEP | 22.8°C |
OCT | 19.2°C |
NOV | 15.7°C |
DEC | 12.6°C |