Vigo, Spain cruise holidays

Spains busiest fishing port, Vigo sits on the rugged west coast of the province of Galicia. Over the centuries, this charming town and its resilient residents have been the target for many naval attacks including a couple from Sir Francis Drake. In these more peaceful days, you will still find the best view of Vigo is from the fort (Castillo del Castro) built to defend it from the hill overlooking the harbour. From here, your Vigo cruise tour will lead you through the steep, narrow streets of the atmospheric old town (Barrio del Berbes) to see (and smell...) the daily fish market. Try one of the oysters which are fresh from beds in Vigos 'ria' - one of the sunken sea-filled valleys for which Galicias coastline is renowned. And our Vigo cruises are also a chance to visit nearby Santiago de Compostela, the subject of pilgrimages since the Middle Ages.
Galicia’s largest city is a vibrant modern metropolis, combining one of the world’s busiest fishing ports with an atmospheric old quarter. It has dozens of beautiful beaches on its doorstep, and a buzzing nightlife of tapas bars, restaurants and clubs.
The Old Town, on the slopes above the port is the charming and often overlooked Casco Vello, a wanderer’s paradise of winding streets, steep steps and pretty plazas surrounding the central Concatedral de Santa María.
The seafood here is said to be some of the best in Spain, thanks to the area’s unique microclimate. Pulpo (octopous) is the local favourite, washed down with a few glasses of Galician Albariño. Ruá de Pescaderia (fish street) is a must for seafood lovers – it’s where you’ll find Vigo’s famed women oyster sellers.
There are some 45 beaches in and around Vigo cruise port, including the largest and most popular, Playa de Samíl, a mile-long stretch of white sand lined with a bustling boardwalk and plenty of amenities.
Frequently asked questions about Vigo, Spain
JAN | 10.9°C |
FEB | 10.6°C |
MAR | 12.3°C |
APR | 13.9°C |
MAY | 15.5°C |
JUN | 18.4°C |
JUL | 20°C |
AUG | 20°C |
SEP | 18.7°C |
OCT | 16.2°C |
NOV | 12.9°C |
DEC | 10.5°C |
The official language spoken in Vigo is Spanish
The currency in Vigo is the Euro (EUR)
1.5ltr bottle of water = 0.50 € (approx. £0.50)
Coffee (from a restaurant) = 1.45 € (approx. £1.20)
0.5ltr Domestic Beer from Draught = 2.50 € (approx. £2.10)
Three course meal for 2 people in a mid-range restaurant = 50.00 € (approx. £41.70)
Tipping is not obligatory, yet 10% is considered a generous tip in restaurants and bars.
Good morning - Buenos días "Boo-en-os dee-ahs"
Good afternoon - Buenas tardes "Boo-en-as tar-des"
Good night - Buenas noches "Boo-en-as noh-chays"
Hello - Hola "Oh-lah"
Where is - Dónde está "Don-day ehs-ta"
Please - Por favor "Por fah-vor"
Thank you - Gracias "Grah-cee-ahs"
Excuse me - Perdóneme "Per-don-eh-may"
I dont understand - Yo no entiendo "Yo no en-tee-en-doh"
Lots of Vigo's cafés double up as bars, and will serve hearty snacks and meals throughout the day.
Galician cuisine is defined by the region's love of Atlantic seafood, along with the earthier flavours of its inland areas.
Bars here are open throughout the day and into the evening, and drinks are traditionally enjoyed with tapas.
Playful Spanish fashion houses and intriguing artisanal delis are found throughout Vigo. Perfect for a quick gift!
Vigo's rich naval and countercultural history is proudly displayed throughout the city, but these spots are highlights.
Whether you're down at the harbourside or amongst the many winding medieval streets, Vigo is best experienced on foot.
JAN | 13.5°C |
FEB | 13.1°C |
MAR | 13.3°C |
APR | 14.1°C |
MAY | 15.3°C |
JUN | 16.5°C |
JUL | 17.2°C |
AUG | 17.1°C |
SEP | 17.0°C |
OCT | 16.6°C |
NOV | 15.4°C |
DEC | 14.2°C |